Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get Utah Insurance It's Jeremy's Birthday!!!

So get this one....Today is Jeremy's Birthday!!! Hoorayyy!!!  He didn't even tell us, we had to find out from a facebook notification at 3 this afternoon.  Don't you worry though we still got cupcakes for the agency and celebrated in a singing fashion.  Foremost stopped in today and gave the agency pizza!! AWESOME! We were stoked like anyone to be spoiled with food. 

Who else is missing NBA basketball?? Let's all admit that we are all extremely sad and need our Jazz.  Saving money at Insure First just keeps rolling this month as production is still at an all-time high.  The holidays have seemed to make saving money a pressing matter. 

Simon is rolling out as the best new agent we've seen in a while!! He's trending for a top producing first month and we're all excited that we've got someone new to learn from.  He's great!

I'll make sure to get a solid post in soon, stay updated.


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